Umgang mit bestimmten Fehlern in JavaScript (denken Sie an Ausnahmen)

Lesezeit: 14 Minuten


Wie würden Sie verschiedene Arten von Fehlern implementieren, damit Sie in der Lage wären, bestimmte Fehler abzufangen und andere hervortreten zu lassen …?

Eine Möglichkeit, dies zu erreichen, besteht darin, den Prototyp des zu modifizieren Error Objekt:

Error.prototype.sender = "";

function throwSpecificError()
    var e = new Error();

    e.sender = "specific";

    throw e;

Spezifischen Fehler abfangen:


catch (e)
    if (e.sender !== "specific") throw e;

    // handle specific error

Habt ihr Alternativen?

Christian C. Salvado

Um benutzerdefinierte Ausnahmen zu erstellen, können Sie von erben Error Objekt:

function SpecificError () {


SpecificError.prototype = new Error();

// ...
try {
  throw new SpecificError;
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof SpecificError) {
   // specific error
  } else {
    throw e; // let others bubble up

Ein minimalistischer Ansatz, ohne zu beerben Errorkönnte ein einfaches Objekt mit einem Namen und Nachrichteneigenschaften werfen:

function throwSpecificError() {
  throw {
    name: 'SpecificError',
    message: 'SpecificError occurred!'

// ...
try {
} catch (e) {
  if ( == 'SpecificError') {
   // specific error
  } else {
    throw e; // let others bubble up

  • Erben von Error hat Probleme. Siehe…

    – Halbmondfrisch

    16. September 2009 um 15:20 Uhr

  • das problem mit diesem code: } catch (e) { if ( == 'SpecificError') { // specific error } else { throw e; // let others bubble up } } ist, dass es in IE7 nicht funktioniert und den Fehler “Ausnahme ausgelöst und nicht abgefangen” auslöst. Es folgt die äußerst dumme (wie immer) Erklärung von msdn: „Sie haben eine throw-Anweisung eingefügt, aber sie war nicht in einem try-Block eingeschlossen, oder es gab keinen zugeordneten catch-Block, um den Fehler abzufangen. Ausnahmen werden innerhalb des try-Blocks geworfen mit der throw-Anweisung und außerhalb des try-Blocks mit einer catch-Anweisung abgefangen.”

    – Eugene Kuzmenko

    14. Oktober 2012 um 16:46 Uhr

  • Nun, Microsofts C# behandelt Fehler sicherlich besser als Javascript: P. Mozzilla hat so etwas zu Firefox hinzugefügt, das ist so. Obwohl es nicht im Ecmascript-Standard enthalten ist, nicht einmal ES6, aber sie erklären auch, wie man es konform macht, obwohl es nicht so prägnant ist. Im Grunde wie oben, aber mit instanceOf. Prüfen hier

    – Bart

    20. Oktober 2015 um 8:58 Uhr

  • Seit ES6 können Sie verwenden class SpecificError extends Error {}.

    – Jan

    22. August 2019 um 17:47 Uhr

  • @LuisNell, Wenn Sie sich mein Codebeispiel genau ansehen, werden Sie feststellen, dass ich nicht vorgeschlagen habe, die zu verwenden name Eigenschaft der Konstruktorfunktion. Ich schlug vor, ein speziell angefertigtes Objekt mit a zu werfen name Eigentum, das nicht bricht …

    – Christian C. Salvado

    4. März 2020 um 14:28 Uhr


Wie in den Kommentaren unten erwähnt, ist dies Mozilla-spezifisch, aber Sie können ‘conditional catch’-Blöcke verwenden. z.B:

try {
catch (e if e.sender === "specific") {
catch (e if e.sender === "unspecific") {
catch (e) {
  // don't know what to do
  throw e;

Dies ähnelt zumindest syntaktisch eher der in Java verwendeten typisierten Ausnahmebehandlung.

  • Kombinieren Sie es mit der Antwort von CMS und es ist perfekt.

    – Ates Goral

    16. September 2009 um 15:20 Uhr

  • Bedingter Fang ist etwas, das ich entweder vorher nicht wusste oder vergessen habe. Danke für die Aufklärung/Erinnerung! +1

    – Ates Goral

    16. September 2009 um 15:21 Uhr

  • Nur unterstützt von Firefox (seit 2.0). Es analysiert nicht einmal in anderen Browsern; Sie erhalten nur Syntaxfehler.

    – Halbmondfrisch

    16. September 2009 um 15:26 Uhr

  • Ja, dies ist eine reine Mozilla-Erweiterung, sie ist nicht einmal zur Standardisierung vorgeschlagen. Da es sich um ein Feature auf Syntaxebene handelt, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, danach zu schnüffeln und es optional zu verwenden.

    – Bobin

    16. September 2009 um 15:36 Uhr

  • Als Ergänzung, da die vorgeschlagene Lösung nicht standardisiert ist. Angebotsformular der [Mozilla’s JavaScript Reference[(…): This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

    – informatik01

    Jul 4, 2014 at 12:33

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Using try-catch-finally.js, you can call the _try function with an anonymous callback, which it will call, and you can chain .catch calls to catch specific errors, and a .finally call to execute either way.


_try(function () {
    throw 'My error';
.catch(Error, function (e) {
    console.log('Caught Error: ' + e);
.catch(String, function (e) {
    console.log('Caught String: ' + e);
.catch(function (e) {
    console.log('Caught other: ' + e);
.finally(function () {
    console.log('Error was caught explicitly');

Example with modern arrow functions and template literals

_try(() => {
  throw 'My error';
}).catch(Error, e => {
  console.log(`Caught Error: ${e}`);
}).catch(String, e => {
  console.log(`Caught String: ${e}`);
}).catch(e => {
  console.log(`Caught other: ${e}`);
}).finally(() => {
  console.log('Error was caught explicitly');

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Scotty Jamison

There is unfortunately no “official” way to achieve this basic functionality in Javascript. I’ll share the three most common solutions I’ve seen in different packages, and how to implement them in modern Javascript (es6+), along with some of their pros and cons.

1. Subclass the Error class

Subclassing an instance of “Error” has become much easier in es6. Just do the following:

class FileNotFoundException extends Error {
  constructor(message) {
    // Not required, but makes uncaught error messages nicer."FileNotFoundException";

Complete example:

class FileNotFoundException extends Error {
  constructor(message) {
    // Not required, but makes uncaught error messages nicer."FileNotFoundException";

// Example usage

function readFile(path) {
  throw new FileNotFoundException(`The file ${path} was not found`);

try {
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
    // Handle the custom exception
    console.log(`Could not find the file. Reason: ${err.message}`);
  } else {
    // Rethrow it - we don't know how to handle it
    // The stacktrace won't be changed, because
    // that information is attached to the error
    // object when it's first constructed.
    throw err;

If you don’t like setting to a hard-coded string, you can instead set it to, which will give the name of your class. This has the advantage that any subclasses of your custom exception wouldn’t need to also update, as will be the name of the subclass.

Subclassed exceptions have the advantage that they can provide better editor support (such as autocomplete) compared to some of the alternative solutions. You can easily add custom behavior to a specific exception type, such as additional functions, alternative constructor parameters, etc. It also tends to be easier to support typescript when providing custom behavior or data.

There’s a lot of discussion about how to properly subclass Error out there. For example, the above solution might not work if you’re using a transpiler. Some recommend using the platform-specific captureStackTrace() if it’s available (I didn’t notice any difference in the error when I used it though – maybe it’s not as relevant anymore 🤷‍♂️). To read up more, see this MDN page and This Stackoverflow answer.

Many browser APIs go this route and throw custom exceptions (as can be seen here)

Note that babel doesn’t support this solution very well. They had to make certain trade-offs when transpiling class syntax (because it’s impossible to transpile them with 100% accuracy), and they chose to make instanceof checks broken on babel-transpiled classes. Some tools, like TypeScript, will indirectly use babel, and will thus suffer from the same issues depending on how you’ve configured your TypeScript setup. If you run this in TypeScript’s playground with its default settings today (March 2022), it will log “false”:

class MyError extends Error {}
console.log(MyError instanceof Error);

2. Adding a distinguishing property to the Error

The idea is really simple. Create your error, add an extra property such as “code” to your error, then throw it.

const error = new Error(`The file ${path} was not found`);
throw error;

Complete example:

function readFile(path) {
  const error = new Error(`The file ${path} was not found`);
  throw error;

try {
} catch (err) {
  if (err.code === 'NotFound') {
    console.log(`Could not find the file. Reason: ${err.message}`);
  } else {
    throw err;

You can, of course, make a helper function to remove some of the boilerplate and ensure consistency.

This solution has the advantage that you don’t need to export a list of all possible exceptions your package may throw. You can imagine how awkward that can get if, for example, your package had been using a NotFound exception to indicate that a particular function was unable to find the intended resource. You want to add an addUserToGroup() function that ideally would throw a UserNotFound or GroupNotFound exception depending on which resource wasn’t found. With subclassed exceptions, you’ll be left with a sticky decision to make. With codes on an error object, you can just do it.

This is the route node’s fs module takes to exceptions. If you’re trying to read a non-existent file, it’ll throw an instance of error with some additional properties, such as code, which it’ll set to "ENOENT" for that specific exception.

3. Return your exception.

Who says you have to throw them? In some scenarios, it might make the most sense to just return what went wrong.

function readFile(path) {
  if (itFailed()) {
    return { exCode: 'NotFound' };
  } else {
    return { data: 'Contents of file' };

When dealing with a lot of exceptions, a solution such as this could make the most sense. It’s simple to do, and can help self-document which functions give which exceptions, which makes for much more robust code. The downside is that it can add a lot of bloat to your code.

complete example:

function readFile(path) {
  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
    return { exCode: 'NotFound' };
  } else {
    return { data: 'Contents of file' };

function main() {
  const { data, exCode } = readFile('./example.txt');

  if (exCode === 'NotFound') {
    console.log('Could not find the file.');
  } else if (exCode) {
    // We don't know how to handle this exCode, so throw an error
    throw new Error(`Unhandled exception when reading file: ${exCode}`);

  console.log(`Contents of file: ${data}`);

A non-solution

Some of these solutions feel like a lot of work. It’s tempting to just throw an object literal, e.g. throw { code: 'NotFound' }. Don’t do this! Stack trace information gets attached to error objects. If one of these object literals ever slips through and becomes an uncaught exception, you won’t have a stacktrace to know where or how it happened. Debugging in general will be much more difficult. Some browsers may show a stacktrace in the console if one of these objects go uncaught, but this is just an optional convinience they provide, not all platforms provide this convinience, and it’s not always accurate, e.g. if this object got caught and rethrown the browser will likely give the wrong stacktrace.

Upcoming solutions

The JavaScript committee is working on a couple of proposals that will make exception handling much nicer to work with. The details of how these proposals will work are still in flux, and are actively being discussed, so I won’t dive into too much detail until things settle down, but here’s a rough taste of things to come:

The biggest change to come will be the Pattern Matching proposal, which is intended to be a better “switch”, among other things. With it, you’d easily be able to match against different styles of errors with simple syntax.

Here’s a taste of what this might look like:

try {
} catch (err) {
  match (err) {
    // Checks if `err` is an instance of UserNotFound
    when (${UserNotFound}): console.error('The user was not found!');

    // Checks if it has a correct code property set to "ENOENT"
    when ({ code: 'ENOENT' }): console.error('...');

    // Handles everything else
    else: throw err;

Pattern matching with the return-your-exception route grants you the ability to do exception handling in a style very similar to how it’s often done in functional languages. The only thing missing would be the “either” type, but a TypeScript union type fulfills a very similar role.

const result = match (divide(x, y)) {
  // (Please refer to the proposal for a more in-depth
  when ({ type: 'RESULT', value }): value + 1
  when ({ type: 'DivideByZero' }): -1

There’s also some very early discussion about bringing this pattern-matching syntax right into the try-catch syntax, to allow you to do something akin to this:

try {
} CatchPatten (UserNotFoundError & err) {
  console.error('The user was not found! ' + err);
} CatchPatten ({ type: 'ENOENT' }) {
  console.error('File not found!');
} catch (err) {
  throw err;


For those who needed a way to self-document which functions threw which exceptions, along with ways to ensure this self-documentation stayed honest, I previously recommended in this answer a small package I threw together to help you keep track of which exceptions a given function might throw. While this package does the job, now days I would simply recommend using TypeScript with the “return your exception” route for maximum exception safety. With the help of a TypeScript union type, you can easily document which exceptions a particular function will return, and TypeScript can help you keep this documentation honest, giving you type-errors when things go wrong.

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Module for export usage

 * Custom InputError
class InputError extends Error {
   * Create InputError
   * @param {String} message
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); =;
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

 * Custom AuthError
class AuthError extends Error {
   * Create AuthError
   * @param {String} message
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); =;
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

 * Custom NotFoundError
class NotFoundError extends Error {
   * Create NotFoundError
   * @param {String} message
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); =;
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

module.exports = {
  InputError: InputError,
  AuthError: AuthError,
  NotFoundError: NotFoundError

Import into script:

const {InputError, AuthError, NotFoundError} = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'lib', 'errors'));


function doTheCheck = () =>
  checkInputData().then(() => {
    return Promise.resolve();
  }).catch(err => {
    return Promise.reject(new InputError(err));

Calling code external:

doTheCheck.then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
  if (err instanceof NotFoundError) {
    res.status(404).send('Not found');
  } else if (err instanceof AuthError) {
    res.status(301).send('Not allowed');
  } else if (err instanceof InputError) {
    res.status(400).send('Input invalid');
  } else {
    res.status(500).send('Server error');

An older question, but in modern JS (as of late 2021) we can do this with a switch on the error’s prototype constructor in the catch block, simply matching it directly to any and all error classes we’re interested in rather than doing instanceof checks, taking advantage of the fact that while instanceof will match entire hierarchies, identity checks don’t:

import { SomeError } from "library-that-uses-errors":
import MyErrors from "./my-errors.js";

try {
  const thing = someThrowingFunction();
} catch (err) {
  switch (err.__proto__.constuctor) {
    // We can match against errors from libraries that throw custom errors:
    case (SomeError): ...

    // or our own code with Error subclasses:

    // and of course, we can check for standard built-in JS errors:
    case (TypeError): ...

    // and finally, if we don't know what this is, we can just
    // throw it back and hope something else deals with it.
    default: throw err;

(Of course, we could do this with an if/elseif/else too if switches are too “I hate having to use break everywhere”, which is true for a lot of folks)

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Ryan Shillington

I didn’t love any of these solutions so I made my own. The try-catch-finally.js is pretty cool except that if you forget one little underscore (_) before the try then the code will still run just fine, but nothing will get caught ever! Yuck.


I added a CatchFilter in my code:

"use strict";

 * This catches a specific error. If the error doesn't match the errorType class passed in, it is rethrown for a
 * different catch handler to handle.
 * @param errorType The class that should be caught
 * @param funcToCall The function to call if an error is thrown of this type
 * @return {Function} A function that can be given directly to the `.catch()` part of a promise.
module.exports.catchOnly = function(errorType, funcToCall) {
  return (error) => {
    if(error instanceof errorType) {
      return funcToCall(error);
    } else {
      // Oops, it's not for us.
      throw error;

Now I can filter

Now I can filter like in C# or Java:

new Promise((resolve, reject => {
}).catch(CatchFilter.catchOnly(MyError, err =>
   console.log("This is for my error");
}).catch(err => {
   console.log("This is for all of the other errors.");

  • “if you forget one little underscore (_) before the try then the code will still run just fine, but nothing will get caught ever” – I’m confused how you see that behaviour since, without the _, try is considered a keyword and causes an error 🤔

    – c24w

    Mar 17 at 10:53

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